Don't forget to let these businesses know where you heard about them!
Designed by a person with Long Covid.
50 pins min/$3.00ea
100 pins/$2.50ea
See page for individual availability/pricing
Please share any Long Covid merch links!
Thank you!
Merch designed by a person with Long Covid.
Merch designed by a person with Long Covid.
crop tops, caps & more!
A small business in the chronic illness community.
Digital Clip art & SVG files
Merch designed by a Long Covid organization.
Pin-back buttons available!
Merch designed by a Long Covid organization.
Pin-back buttons available!
Merch designed by a Long Covid organization.
Youth sizess available!
Let them know you want to order the Long Covid wristband!
Merch designed by by a Long Covid organization.
Long Covid Notch bracelet collcection
Merch designed by by a Long Covid organization.
Awareness Shop
Merch designed by by a Long Covid organization.
Full Shop
Merch designed by by a Long Covid organization.